Sunday, February 14, 2010

What Does A Brizilianwax Look Like

Digression: When the soul wants to live

both as a person and as a dragon, it will seem so natural that the soul wants to develop fully, that I write my thoughts down here for the independent life of the soul. I consider this matter important for everyone, no matter which lies dormant in a soul now. It's about what happens when you let his soul run wild, and what happens when they are displaced.

latter seems so pervasive that it has been normal. Especially in the city, if you go and look at the full bus stations in the crowd, it's a wonder that so many individual souls look as free and equal. We see a crowd of people. Wiktionary mass is even described as "soft unformed matter". If those grape presses on the bus, then I think the description already aptly. But when one considers how the soul (it's also called Unterbwusstsein or the heart) will prevail, it could be a group of people hoping to see, which differ so much that it will be a mishmash.

From personal experience, I mean that an oppressed soul leads to unhappiness within. Pessimism, caging principles I can think of as reactions to silence the soul. Meterialismus and even drugs and crime can be cries of the soul, or more bars. The compulsion to act, or the standards we have a soulless man, makes my opinion broken many people and drives them to insanity or even death.

I will now do not write how it feels exactly. I think even you should realize this himself. Everyone will experience it differently, but the differences are huge. I would describe as the time was when I locked my soul, I would describe and cold as stone. But for several years, she is warm and free. With the acceptance of my draconity even warmer. At that time I fled into materialism and I've made with my knowledge about others, so I somehow reach the size that my soul wanted to live inside out.

The soul requires of one, that one surrenders and begins her own to live. I recommend at least trying to, or to taste it. "We are going rather well known in the accident, unknown as in happiness." This reminds me of a quote that I have heard only in a small film
If you want to see now his soul, then you meet a being that is not previously known. Somehow we are afraid of the unknown.

When draconity the dragon soul just wants to live it. It calls on the inner "I am a dragon, let live!" Man struggles against and then it begins to eat away at a malicious, as I have described. The soul requires a "going crazy". I argue from their own positive experiences that you should just be that. The head knows well enough, how to deal with the dragon soul. If the soul does not want others to know it, know it will need no one. I think it is anyway very difficult and cumbersome to imprison a dragon. Without change there is no progress. Just live life as it calls into one. I do so only good experiences. So I hope for you as a reader, so that you start what you can.


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