Saturday, September 29, 2007

Dainik Pudhari Diwali Ank 2010

Heath, Holger (ed.): Mass workaholism phenomenon

The development work for the company and the individual / s and for society increasingly negative consequences. Work without end - physical and mental health of those affected are the result. Work addiction is not the dubious privilege of elites, but also and primarily relates to more people in dependent employment.

What is work addiction? How it arises and what are their historical conditions? How and why they will become a mass phenomenon? What legal basis exists for dealing with work addiction as an occupational disease? What are possible ways out? The contributions of this book are the historical, economic, political and personal aspects of this new 'social disease' is, creating a comprehensive insight into the significance of this phenomenon. It also opens the way each reader of the disease.

book, 300 pages


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