"I was fat, red-haired and had killed the Lord Jesus. " Therese Giehse when asked why she was tortured as a child by her classmates.
What to make of a religion that has the most cruel and ignominious execution-elected as the symbol? Which terrorist are exposed children to believe that a father because of her torture and brutally murder his own son did? How to overcome the horror of the flesh of the Son of Man must eat and drink his blood to, to be united with God? Jesus was a Jew, he was crucified by Roman occupiers. But give the Christians "the Jews" to blame for his death. How deeply rooted the fascist anti-Semitism in the Christian anti-Semitism, was critical of historians and theologians already been discussed occasionally. The author of this volume follows a previously neglected educational-psychological approach to the explanation of the Holocaust. In a sound-researched, but still afloat written synopsis of theological, philosophical, historical, artistic and literary data from two Christian millennia does it support, not least that leaves the crucifix symbolizes the sadistic violence devastating mark on the souls of children. And from children become adults - such as Adolf Eichmann, Joseph Goebbels, Heinrich Himmler, Rudolf Hoess and Adolf Hitler. "
book, 448 pages
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