The "Club of the friendly genius," this Awards given, comes from civil rights, privacy, and independent power organizations. Once a year in October, the pioneer of the society of control in 14 European countries and the USA, Canada and Japan by providing information about their machinations publicly reprimanded. Very sound, but also with black humor, the reader is in the jungle of the incredible Control fantasies of politics, government and industry led. The awards to clarify about atrocities, raise awareness and encourage the opposition to!
Among the previous winners include, for example:
* Otto Schily for his "lifetime achievement" (the biometric passport, developing the monitoring system and the so-called Otto catalog);
* the organizing committee of the DFB in the inquisitorial questionnaires at the Ticket orders for the football World Cup;
* Schools that can give the names of first years for promotional purposes;
* the Federal Employment Agency, for the questionnaire to the unemployment benefit II;
* Lidl for the video surveillance of the staff;
* Bayer AG drug testing for trainees;
* etc.
book, 192 pages
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