rivals the racetrack
end of October we will go back into the studio and record three new songs for a 7inch.
which is then end of the year appear via clariy records. clarity records inserted behind a nice handsome young man named Hannah. The 7 inch is the title "rivals the racetrack" bear. We look forward to it. when we are in the studio can be found here more and more hot reports and images from the front. until then we play a few shows, so come by.
good night
flo anderson
Sunday, September 30, 2007
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Demny, Oliver: The rage of the Panthers
The history of the Black Panther Party - Black Resistance in the United States
describes the anger of the Panthers the history of the Black Panther Party. It is a story of racism, repression and resistance in the heart of capitalism - the United States. Oliver Demny examines the impact on state and society, drawing parallels and differences to the last investigated Ghetto - riots in New York and Los Angeles. Beyond the "Malcolm - X - Marketing" This is the story of black resistance in its various facets is described, explained and discussed.
book, 222 pages
describes the anger of the Panthers the history of the Black Panther Party. It is a story of racism, repression and resistance in the heart of capitalism - the United States. Oliver Demny examines the impact on state and society, drawing parallels and differences to the last investigated Ghetto - riots in New York and Los Angeles. Beyond the "Malcolm - X - Marketing" This is the story of black resistance in its various facets is described, explained and discussed.
book, 222 pages
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autonome afrika-gruppe: Commission ...
"Is the best subversion not to misrepresent those codes instead of
destroy "(Roland Barthes)
What a riot in Trier. An obviously fake fax the cancellation of the event
by Wolfgang Schäuble and the public RCDS writes of" sabotage. "If he had thrown a look at this book, he would have to p. 63 found, what it apparently really was.. a fake there could have read them quite lengthy theoretical discussion of the meaning and purpose of Fakes, on distinctive shapes and of course on the "discursive exercise of power" and then found probable that It is not even a very good fake was because "the fake exerts its effect in the course of the process that the Detection follows in the chain of real and perhaps even false denials, possibly supplemented by other fakes or forgeries. "
Theoretical digressions
More important than these theoretical digressions, however, the amount of
examples that show was so with little effort make, or
would at least And that's what this book lives. A comprehensive collection of episodes and events, descriptions of actions that the head can reestablish their own ideas of what human could actually do themselves
The. authors have report having "fed up with the exclusive
furztrockenen leaflet letter and the (...) dogma left that best allowed to laugh at political satire (...)." do what they want - and do - is "a tool kit to provide that anyone can use the reader, the words, metaphors and images provides that stimulates to self consider similar possibilities in their own practice. "
More fun!
shall withdraw seen this book a real 'meeting', yet it is actually (and layout technically) a seemingly arbitrary
Together denomination different individual texts. No absolutely necessary book for the political practice, but certainly one that broadens the mind. And perhaps a bit more fun provides. (As)
destroy "(Roland Barthes)
What a riot in Trier. An obviously fake fax the cancellation of the event
by Wolfgang Schäuble and the public RCDS writes of" sabotage. "If he had thrown a look at this book, he would have to p. 63 found, what it apparently really was.. a fake there could have read them quite lengthy theoretical discussion of the meaning and purpose of Fakes, on distinctive shapes and of course on the "discursive exercise of power" and then found probable that It is not even a very good fake was because "the fake exerts its effect in the course of the process that the Detection follows in the chain of real and perhaps even false denials, possibly supplemented by other fakes or forgeries. "
Theoretical digressions
More important than these theoretical digressions, however, the amount of
examples that show was so with little effort make, or
would at least And that's what this book lives. A comprehensive collection of episodes and events, descriptions of actions that the head can reestablish their own ideas of what human could actually do themselves
The. authors have report having "fed up with the exclusive
furztrockenen leaflet letter and the (...) dogma left that best allowed to laugh at political satire (...)." do what they want - and do - is "a tool kit to provide that anyone can use the reader, the words, metaphors and images provides that stimulates to self consider similar possibilities in their own practice. "
More fun!
shall withdraw seen this book a real 'meeting', yet it is actually (and layout technically) a seemingly arbitrary
Together denomination different individual texts. No absolutely necessary book for the political practice, but certainly one that broadens the mind. And perhaps a bit more fun provides. (As)
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Amann, Marc: Go.stop.act! must be
The art of creative street protest
street theater, Reclaim the Street party, karnevalesque political parades, promotions with large puppets, subversive street art of graffiti, posters and stickers, demo units in pink and silver, Radio Ballet - the range of political forms of action has grown in recent years of new colors and shapes. Reviews, stories of creation and origin are various known and lesser-known forms of action as well as many examples collected in this book and are inspired to emulate those who want to take their anger to the streets.
Book Review: A symbiosis of resistance and "Fun"?
book, 230 pages
street theater, Reclaim the Street party, karnevalesque political parades, promotions with large puppets, subversive street art of graffiti, posters and stickers, demo units in pink and silver, Radio Ballet - the range of political forms of action has grown in recent years of new colors and shapes. Reviews, stories of creation and origin are various known and lesser-known forms of action as well as many examples collected in this book and are inspired to emulate those who want to take their anger to the streets.
Book Review: A symbiosis of resistance and "Fun"?
book, 230 pages
Thyroid And Coldsores
AG fun! (Ed.) AG spass guerilla
the basis of the Berlin squatters movement in the early eighties, the authors span a wide arc through the story more fun activities and forms of action. They attach directly to the 'inventors' of the guerrilla fun at - the Communards devil, Langhans, Mahler & Co. - refer to Chaplin, Brecht and Heartfield and ultimately end up with a not at all funny critique of the system. The ultimate work on the history of the gay-activist criticism of the system and their actions ..
book, 256 pages
book, 256 pages
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greywacke: Autonomous movement in
For the first 23 years
AG greywacke, a group of five authors reported "severe subjective" from 23 years of autonomous policy (1980 - 2003). No scene brochure and no thesis, but an effort of the collective history of working to help get started. Why were houses and are busy? How do you feel when throwing a Mollis? Was it the globalization movement in 1988? Were the 90's confused? Is there today is (still) Autonomous? What next `s? With a lot of photos, original news, small anecdotes - the book can be recommended.
* This book is the way, harmful to minors - at least the German Federal Ministry for Youth said so in 2006 and placed an indexing application, which failed however.
** This book is the way "terrorist" - at least told the BKA and searched for a Germany-wide crackdown against anti-G8-movement and the publishers association A in the hope to find clues to the editor.
third Edition 2007
Book Review: Autonomous movement in
book, 408 pages
AG greywacke, a group of five authors reported "severe subjective" from 23 years of autonomous policy (1980 - 2003). No scene brochure and no thesis, but an effort of the collective history of working to help get started. Why were houses and are busy? How do you feel when throwing a Mollis? Was it the globalization movement in 1988? Were the 90's confused? Is there today is (still) Autonomous? What next `s? With a lot of photos, original news, small anecdotes - the book can be recommended.
* This book is the way, harmful to minors - at least the German Federal Ministry for Youth said so in 2006 and placed an indexing application, which failed however.
** This book is the way "terrorist" - at least told the BKA and searched for a Germany-wide crackdown against anti-G8-movement and the publishers association A in the hope to find clues to the editor.
third Edition 2007
Book Review: Autonomous movement in
book, 408 pages
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Reeb, Winfried: The Search for the right Vernichtungsbau
The history of prison architecture
The intentions of the prison system show here already in the development of architecture. A walk through the prisons of the dungeons of the ancient times to the isolation unit of the present.
book, 40 pages
The intentions of the prison system show here already in the development of architecture. A walk through the prisons of the dungeons of the ancient times to the isolation unit of the present.
book, 40 pages
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locked away ...
texts, poems and stories about and against prison and punishment
brochure, 20 pages
brochure, 20 pages
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tangent / padeluun (ed.): Black Book Privacy
Excellent data leeches of BigBrotherAwards
The "Club of the friendly genius," this Awards given, comes from civil rights, privacy, and independent power organizations. Once a year in October, the pioneer of the society of control in 14 European countries and the USA, Canada and Japan by providing information about their machinations publicly reprimanded. Very sound, but also with black humor, the reader is in the jungle of the incredible Control fantasies of politics, government and industry led. The awards to clarify about atrocities, raise awareness and encourage the opposition to!
Among the previous winners include, for example:
* Otto Schily for his "lifetime achievement" (the biometric passport, developing the monitoring system and the so-called Otto catalog);
* the organizing committee of the DFB in the inquisitorial questionnaires at the Ticket orders for the football World Cup;
* Schools that can give the names of first years for promotional purposes;
* the Federal Employment Agency, for the questionnaire to the unemployment benefit II;
* Lidl for the video surveillance of the staff;
* Bayer AG drug testing for trainees;
* etc.
book, 192 pages
The "Club of the friendly genius," this Awards given, comes from civil rights, privacy, and independent power organizations. Once a year in October, the pioneer of the society of control in 14 European countries and the USA, Canada and Japan by providing information about their machinations publicly reprimanded. Very sound, but also with black humor, the reader is in the jungle of the incredible Control fantasies of politics, government and industry led. The awards to clarify about atrocities, raise awareness and encourage the opposition to!
Among the previous winners include, for example:
* Otto Schily for his "lifetime achievement" (the biometric passport, developing the monitoring system and the so-called Otto catalog);
* the organizing committee of the DFB in the inquisitorial questionnaires at the Ticket orders for the football World Cup;
* Schools that can give the names of first years for promotional purposes;
* the Federal Employment Agency, for the questionnaire to the unemployment benefit II;
* Lidl for the video surveillance of the staff;
* Bayer AG drug testing for trainees;
* etc.
book, 192 pages
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Riggenmann, Konrad: crucifix and Holocaust
about the successful presentation of violence in world history
"I was fat, red-haired and had killed the Lord Jesus. " Therese Giehse when asked why she was tortured as a child by her classmates.
What to make of a religion that has the most cruel and ignominious execution-elected as the symbol? Which terrorist are exposed children to believe that a father because of her torture and brutally murder his own son did? How to overcome the horror of the flesh of the Son of Man must eat and drink his blood to, to be united with God? Jesus was a Jew, he was crucified by Roman occupiers. But give the Christians "the Jews" to blame for his death. How deeply rooted the fascist anti-Semitism in the Christian anti-Semitism, was critical of historians and theologians already been discussed occasionally. The author of this volume follows a previously neglected educational-psychological approach to the explanation of the Holocaust. In a sound-researched, but still afloat written synopsis of theological, philosophical, historical, artistic and literary data from two Christian millennia does it support, not least that leaves the crucifix symbolizes the sadistic violence devastating mark on the souls of children. And from children become adults - such as Adolf Eichmann, Joseph Goebbels, Heinrich Himmler, Rudolf Hoess and Adolf Hitler. "
book, 448 pages
"I was fat, red-haired and had killed the Lord Jesus. " Therese Giehse when asked why she was tortured as a child by her classmates.
What to make of a religion that has the most cruel and ignominious execution-elected as the symbol? Which terrorist are exposed children to believe that a father because of her torture and brutally murder his own son did? How to overcome the horror of the flesh of the Son of Man must eat and drink his blood to, to be united with God? Jesus was a Jew, he was crucified by Roman occupiers. But give the Christians "the Jews" to blame for his death. How deeply rooted the fascist anti-Semitism in the Christian anti-Semitism, was critical of historians and theologians already been discussed occasionally. The author of this volume follows a previously neglected educational-psychological approach to the explanation of the Holocaust. In a sound-researched, but still afloat written synopsis of theological, philosophical, historical, artistic and literary data from two Christian millennia does it support, not least that leaves the crucifix symbolizes the sadistic violence devastating mark on the souls of children. And from children become adults - such as Adolf Eichmann, Joseph Goebbels, Heinrich Himmler, Rudolf Hoess and Adolf Hitler. "
book, 448 pages
Saturday, September 29, 2007
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Most, Johann: The Gottespest and other writings
One of the Most popular - writings is "The Gottespest" a vicious anti-clerical pamphlet. Moreover, in the booklet include the lyrics "Protestant obscurantists" and "The Anarchist Communists of the proletariat" mentioned.
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Friedrich / Pflüger: In what state is Europe?
occasion of EU enlargement in May 2004, Rudi Friedrich, Tobias Pflüger important information about the proposed partition and military policy is to be anchored in the future EU Constitution.
book, 128 pages
book, 128 pages
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Kerkeling, Lutz: La lucha sigue!
EZLN - causes and development of the Zapatista uprising
On 1 January 1994 broke the masked guerrillas Guerilleras and the EZLN in Chiapas (southern Mexico), the silence of racist domination Mexican society and simultaneously shook the global capitalist "victory" of 1989. The self-organization of the marginalized indigenous and rural population conducted in Mexico, the end of the longest one-party dictatorship of the world, but not only in Latin America inspired the "Ya Basta!" (Dt: Enough!) Of the Zapatista people far away confident of patronage and party politics, and determined to raise as subjects against exploitation and oppression. In addition to her grassroots politics and the establishment of autonomous communities managed the EZLN, to give all marginalized and committed, which are still fighting against the rule of the elites and corporations, a non-dogmatic-left shot in the arm, around the world without an avant-garde political truth equally in to link an "International of hope"
book, 304 pages
On 1 January 1994 broke the masked guerrillas Guerilleras and the EZLN in Chiapas (southern Mexico), the silence of racist domination Mexican society and simultaneously shook the global capitalist "victory" of 1989. The self-organization of the marginalized indigenous and rural population conducted in Mexico, the end of the longest one-party dictatorship of the world, but not only in Latin America inspired the "Ya Basta!" (Dt: Enough!) Of the Zapatista people far away confident of patronage and party politics, and determined to raise as subjects against exploitation and oppression. In addition to her grassroots politics and the establishment of autonomous communities managed the EZLN, to give all marginalized and committed, which are still fighting against the rule of the elites and corporations, a non-dogmatic-left shot in the arm, around the world without an avant-garde political truth equally in to link an "International of hope"
book, 304 pages
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Steinicke, Kerstin: Education without domination
brochure on the theory and practice of anarchist education of about 1880 to today. Kerstin Steinicke analyzed from an anarchist point of view education as an instrument, then the second part to address the relationship between anarchism and education. Anarchist education does not remain stuck in the theory, as numerous examples show (Tolstoy, Ferrer ...). The conclusion of the brochure is an overview of anarchist pedagogy today.
brochure, 86 pages
brochure, 86 pages
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x questioning ahead ... No. 1: want to know can have
questioning ahead - issues on resistance and Vision
texts on education, anti-education, the criticism, non-hierarchical learning utopias and practical approaches (learning networks, 'democratic' schools)
journal 88 pages (A5)
texts on education, anti-education, the criticism, non-hierarchical learning utopias and practical approaches (learning networks, 'democratic' schools)
journal 88 pages (A5)
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Unruh, Ludwig: The main thing work?
The relationship between labor and human emancipation. Ingredients include a study of the history of work and makes suggestions for overcoming the working society.
* Work in the Course of History
* working society
* resistance to the work
* Beyond the work
brochure, 60 pages
* Work in the Course of History
* working society
* resistance to the work
* Beyond the work
brochure, 60 pages
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Lafargue, Paul: The Right to Be Lazy
work kills the passion (and passion to work!) - Lafargue zornfunkelnde and joke sparkling diatribe from the enslaving "right to work" is an effective antidote and is now available in new equipment. Although Lafargue certain discussions of today, for example, basic financial security, some 100 years ago, of course, could not consider his book published today very timely and necessary, objected because with it the rampant social Darwinism equated the right to life = ability to work decisively and the preachers of the total , deregulated market a truly humane society show is presented opposes.
book, 80 pages
book, 80 pages
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Heath, Holger (ed.): Mass workaholism phenomenon
The development work for the company and the individual / s and for society increasingly negative consequences. Work without end - physical and mental health of those affected are the result. Work addiction is not the dubious privilege of elites, but also and primarily relates to more people in dependent employment.
What is work addiction? How it arises and what are their historical conditions? How and why they will become a mass phenomenon? What legal basis exists for dealing with work addiction as an occupational disease? What are possible ways out? The contributions of this book are the historical, economic, political and personal aspects of this new 'social disease' is, creating a comprehensive insight into the significance of this phenomenon. It also opens the way each reader of the disease.
book, 300 pages
What is work addiction? How it arises and what are their historical conditions? How and why they will become a mass phenomenon? What legal basis exists for dealing with work addiction as an occupational disease? What are possible ways out? The contributions of this book are the historical, economic, political and personal aspects of this new 'social disease' is, creating a comprehensive insight into the significance of this phenomenon. It also opens the way each reader of the disease.
book, 300 pages
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Schulenburg, Lutz (ed.): Let's be realistic, we attempt the impossible!
rebellious talk back
This volume presents the rebellious thinking to the present day. Evidence from all continents, short or long passages of manifestos, leaflets, reminders and reports. Rebellious ideas which are opposed to the complacency and promote alternative views to the prevailing conditions. Individual and collective manifestations; volatile, argumentative, groping, resolute, bold, ironic, emotional, and sometimes even lyrical voices.
Some contributors to this subversive Guide: Charles Fourier, Bernadette Devlin, Billy Bragg, Kommune I, Attac, Frantz Fanon, Max Holz, Raoul Vaneigem, Ton Steine Scherben, American Indian Movement, Emma Goldman, Oswaldo Bayer Situationistische International, José Bové, Carl Einstein, Vera Broido, Andre Breton, Thomas Müntzer, Zapatisten, Flora Tristan, Gaston Leval, Groucho Marx, Edelweiss-Piraten, Manu Chao, Nestor Machno, Black Panther, José Saramago, Mary Low, Raoul Hausmann, Pablo Neruda, Maurizio Maggiani, Che Guevara, Joe Hill, Mika Etchéhère, Subcomandante Marcos, Gruppe Spur, Franz Jung, James Carr, Arundhati Roy, Franz Pfemfert, Patrice Lumumba, Larissa Reissner, Bewegung 2. Juni, Ernst Toller, Dada-Manifest 1918, Jack London, Stefano Benni, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Angela Davis, IWW Manifesto, Sex Pistols, RAWA, Sophie Scholl, Chumba Wamba, Paco Ignacio Taibo II, Woody Guthrie, Inge Viett much more
book, 160 pages
This volume presents the rebellious thinking to the present day. Evidence from all continents, short or long passages of manifestos, leaflets, reminders and reports. Rebellious ideas which are opposed to the complacency and promote alternative views to the prevailing conditions. Individual and collective manifestations; volatile, argumentative, groping, resolute, bold, ironic, emotional, and sometimes even lyrical voices.
Some contributors to this subversive Guide: Charles Fourier, Bernadette Devlin, Billy Bragg, Kommune I, Attac, Frantz Fanon, Max Holz, Raoul Vaneigem, Ton Steine Scherben, American Indian Movement, Emma Goldman, Oswaldo Bayer Situationistische International, José Bové, Carl Einstein, Vera Broido, Andre Breton, Thomas Müntzer, Zapatisten, Flora Tristan, Gaston Leval, Groucho Marx, Edelweiss-Piraten, Manu Chao, Nestor Machno, Black Panther, José Saramago, Mary Low, Raoul Hausmann, Pablo Neruda, Maurizio Maggiani, Che Guevara, Joe Hill, Mika Etchéhère, Subcomandante Marcos, Gruppe Spur, Franz Jung, James Carr, Arundhati Roy, Franz Pfemfert, Patrice Lumumba, Larissa Reissner, Bewegung 2. Juni, Ernst Toller, Dada-Manifest 1918, Jack London, Stefano Benni, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Angela Davis, IWW Manifesto, Sex Pistols, RAWA, Sophie Scholl, Chumba Wamba, Paco Ignacio Taibo II, Woody Guthrie, Inge Viett much more
book, 160 pages
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Hirsch, Joachim: From State Security to the national competition state
"The designated economically Tagged with globalization and social reconstruction processes have become the structure, position and function changes of the state apparatus in depth. The 'security state' was transformed to the historically new type of 'national competition state', whose basic political priority in ensuring optimal recovery conditions for a cross-border capital is made flexible. The related Change in the social role of the state system includes not just a weakening or a loss of sovereignty of the state, as is often claimed. The "national competition state 'remains - albeit in changed forms - a strong and authoritarian state. Have changed but the political and social exclusion patterns that negative images and legitimation mechanisms. "
book, 176 pages
book, 176 pages
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Forrester, Viviane: The terror of Economics (Paperback)
While politicians mantra reduced unemployment promise is the employed person for the industry long annoying to a fault and cost factor . Viviane Forrester describes "crude, bluntly pointed and almost burning "the social chaos of a society whose future is mass unemployment. With its passionate indictment of the inhuman calculus of firms it requires radically new thinking. In the French "anti-globalization movement" was the author of the late 90's with this book to a "symbol" of the new protest movement.
Book Review: The terror of the economy
book, 216 pages (hardcover)
Book Review: The terror of the economy
book, 216 pages (hardcover)
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Enderwitz, Ulrich: What is ideology?
economy to bourgeois thought
the heart of this introduction is a basic text, the attempt at a derivation of the ideological Of thinking and its development from the economic development of the reproductive process of society and the process of defining relations of production is making. Two smaller theoretical contributions on the subject of ideology and a set of practical exercises in ideology critique - to Adorno, Max Weber and Heidegger, Lucretius and the concept of communication - that should allow the reader to the main text on its strictly political-economic concept brought the core of the ideology problem reflexive approach working. They meet in other words, not least a didactic function.
book, 120 pages
the heart of this introduction is a basic text, the attempt at a derivation of the ideological Of thinking and its development from the economic development of the reproductive process of society and the process of defining relations of production is making. Two smaller theoretical contributions on the subject of ideology and a set of practical exercises in ideology critique - to Adorno, Max Weber and Heidegger, Lucretius and the concept of communication - that should allow the reader to the main text on its strictly political-economic concept brought the core of the ideology problem reflexive approach working. They meet in other words, not least a didactic function.
book, 120 pages
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Anderson, Bridget: Doing The Dirty Work?
immigrant women in the paid domestic work in Europe
from the English G. Deckert
In the feminist debate the housework for a long time as the great> DC-maker \u0026lt;was considered. As a burden, almost indiscriminately to all women would be imposed by the patriarchal relations. This unique study on domestic workers in Europe highlights the other hand, the aspects of origin and class position within the domestic relations of oppression.
Bridget Anderson is the question of who shall make the reproduction work and when, how and where it should be provided, according to parteiischem view from below, from the perspective of migrant women, because this work not only reproduces life, but at the same time Status, hierarchy and social Relations. The study is based on its research, the author and claims the racial context of paid domestic work in the north in the view. A phenomenon that challenges the feminist theory in a fundamental way.
Bridget Anderson provides a comprehensive insight into the life and working conditions of migrant domestic workers in France, Spain, Italy, Greece, Great Britain and Germany. Based on interviews, she works out in the conflicting interests of employers and domestic workers, and examines the exercise of power maternalistische female employer.
As an employee of Kalayaan, a self-organization of undocumented domestic workers she describes the long struggle in the UK.
The book makes clear that the regulation, legalization and professionalization of paid domestic work will not change the fact that it is existentially self-determined, and acting under submission scale work. The power of employers may be limited by laws, but they will not disappear. Changes are not critical to the regulation, the working conditions, but the antagonistic self-organization of domestic workers.
book, 272 pages
from the English G. Deckert
In the feminist debate the housework for a long time as the great> DC-maker \u0026lt;was considered. As a burden, almost indiscriminately to all women would be imposed by the patriarchal relations. This unique study on domestic workers in Europe highlights the other hand, the aspects of origin and class position within the domestic relations of oppression.
Bridget Anderson is the question of who shall make the reproduction work and when, how and where it should be provided, according to parteiischem view from below, from the perspective of migrant women, because this work not only reproduces life, but at the same time Status, hierarchy and social Relations. The study is based on its research, the author and claims the racial context of paid domestic work in the north in the view. A phenomenon that challenges the feminist theory in a fundamental way.
Bridget Anderson provides a comprehensive insight into the life and working conditions of migrant domestic workers in France, Spain, Italy, Greece, Great Britain and Germany. Based on interviews, she works out in the conflicting interests of employers and domestic workers, and examines the exercise of power maternalistische female employer.
As an employee of Kalayaan, a self-organization of undocumented domestic workers she describes the long struggle in the UK.
The book makes clear that the regulation, legalization and professionalization of paid domestic work will not change the fact that it is existentially self-determined, and acting under submission scale work. The power of employers may be limited by laws, but they will not disappear. Changes are not critical to the regulation, the working conditions, but the antagonistic self-organization of domestic workers.
book, 272 pages
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Bubeck, Ilona (ed.): Our piece of the pie?
If we ignore the media reports and self-appointed representatives of faith, do not most lesbians and gay men only introduce gay marriage, but liked to get married themselves. "Nonsense!" say the authors of this book and show that lesbians and gay men live in different communities and families election, which the model "gay marriage" does not do justice. On the contrary, the voluntary adjustment to criticize the standards of the forced marriage and family policy, but will present perspectives on how to strengthen the rights of non-marital cohabitation. A provocative book of the Authors Jim Baker, Julie Blum, German AIDS-Hilfe eV, Gisela-Jipp Gebauer, Sabine Hark, Werner Hinz, George Klauda, Constance Ohms, Christine Schenk, Eike Stedefeldt, Gita Tost.
book, 146 pages
book, 146 pages
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Manuela Bannister (ed.): disabled sexuality
disabled sexuality - pleasure prevented? to live
The basic right to sexuality for people with disabilities
relations with closeness and sexuality is very difficult for people with disabilities. Contact us - common ideal of beauty - are just some of the topics that interest all, but is never spoken openly - places of intimacy - erotic aids.
This fundamental need of people with disabilities have the book on the subject. It draws on this diverse - with tips and contact information. The band is not just an erotic game species, ultimately it is about the degree of Self-determination of disabled people and that in any Hinischt.
book, 242 pages
The basic right to sexuality for people with disabilities
relations with closeness and sexuality is very difficult for people with disabilities. Contact us - common ideal of beauty - are just some of the topics that interest all, but is never spoken openly - places of intimacy - erotic aids.
This fundamental need of people with disabilities have the book on the subject. It draws on this diverse - with tips and contact information. The band is not just an erotic game species, ultimately it is about the degree of Self-determination of disabled people and that in any Hinischt.
book, 242 pages
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