Schulenburg, Lutz (ed.): Let's be realistic, we attempt the impossible! 
rebellious talk back
This volume presents the rebellious thinking to the present day. Evidence from all continents, short or long passages of manifestos, leaflets, reminders and reports. Rebellious ideas which are opposed to the complacency and promote alternative views to the prevailing conditions. Individual and collective manifestations; volatile, argumentative, groping, resolute, bold, ironic, emotional, and sometimes even lyrical voices.
Some contributors to this subversive Guide: Charles Fourier, Bernadette Devlin, Billy Bragg, Kommune I, Attac, Frantz Fanon, Max Holz, Raoul Vaneigem, Ton Steine Scherben, American Indian Movement, Emma Goldman, Oswaldo Bayer Situationistische International, José Bové, Carl Einstein, Vera Broido, Andre Breton, Thomas Müntzer, Zapatisten, Flora Tristan, Gaston Leval, Groucho Marx, Edelweiss-Piraten, Manu Chao, Nestor Machno, Black Panther, José Saramago, Mary Low, Raoul Hausmann, Pablo Neruda, Maurizio Maggiani, Che Guevara, Joe Hill, Mika Etchéhère, Subcomandante Marcos, Gruppe Spur, Franz Jung, James Carr, Arundhati Roy, Franz Pfemfert, Patrice Lumumba, Larissa Reissner, Bewegung 2. Juni, Ernst Toller, Dada-Manifest 1918, Jack London, Stefano Benni, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Angela Davis, IWW Manifesto, Sex Pistols, RAWA, Sophie Scholl, Chumba Wamba, Paco Ignacio Taibo II, Woody Guthrie, Inge Viett much more
book, 160 pages