Monday, February 8, 2010

Causes For Dog Prolapsed

first time after the "awakening"

The term "awakening" to understand how one can well imagine that one has recognized his Otherkin identity and accepted more or less.
Although this review is
remember much of the usual diary, but the doubters who are still struggling with the awakening, it could have the same effect.

Previously I will still say that I already for some years established excellent care to the dragon and the last two years in the esoteric have already made a few acquaintances. It is therefore not surprising that I am clearly very well come with the awakening. Many of my actions clearly demonstrate, both to me and others that I have much connected with the dragon spirit.

And now, the inner one. I do not know who said it, but the spirit of "Happiness is when the soul in the body feels good."
think to myself, this very aptly. The awakening has brought with me a large dose of self-confidence, openness and vitality. Moreover, since many (probably unconscious) doubts are gone, I've become a lot calmer and more patient. This is what I've particularly noticed this afternoon because I've left constant peace and time to draw a picture. I've even considered just walking and enjoying my being and the environment. Because I've never thought about before.

If any doubt therefore lead to unrest, have to have resolved many of these recently. Since I belong now as fresh dragon to those who already have an important influence had in my life, I have no great problems with the draconity. If I remember well in place, my environment is clearly demonstrated with this Erkenntis.

Except that I now feel better, it does not seem large or difficult to have influence on my physical life. Neither do I believe now to be able to breathe fire, or fear must be someone that I undertake flight tests. My body, I am fully aware of the coming days I devote myself to the astral body, of which I would like to figure out.

I also want all Otherkin and Dragonkin warmly warmly recommend that the draconity held in mind. Even if your a dragon, wolf, angels or whatever always are - It's in my head, it is in the subtle and not in the physical. You can study further work, go shopping or travel. I've only read that one could be addressed by other, magical and spiritually active people. If your spiritual does nothing, then it does not. No one will blame you this because it is your decision.

David Icke recommends the way, that one should listen to his heart. No matter how many objections to offer the head did. If your heart says you're a dragon, but your head says: ". No, you're not a dragon that's crazy you will locked away and hang there at all.."
you thanked your head for the warning. Damm you can with your head thinking about how to deal with all the warnings. With my heart I can practice draconity principle. David Icke has said that he does this and it goes really well with it.

So then - we all make the best out of it, whatever happens.


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