Pi Pa Prenzlberg / / Prenzlberg, Prenzelberg, Prenzl'berg. The notations of the Short for our favorite district are numerous. The one makes more sense than others. From the most absurd - the "e" between "z" and "l" is neither beautiful nor clever - b.leben has now passed.
Prenzelberg is, we now Prenzlberg. Although this is to some extent, "unkuhl." Does it still only make use of the newcomers - or the other - short form, and strictly Urberliner say like "Prenzlauer Berg". Although the heavy going of the lips and the Berlin for her talk Casual known. A paradox? Maybe just a rumor and the Berlin's Prenzlauer Prenzlberg or Berg does not matter. More and more often hears and reads this anyway even shorter P'Berg. Because of his reputation as a nursery of the nation, the term "Parents-lauer Berg" is not inappropriate. In fact, lasted for editorial internal discussion and confusion about the spelling of the district, since it gives the idea for b.leben. Even before the magazine was his name, was firmly in first drafts "e" is deleted and reinserted. The editor is still not sure if we now write with or without "e". And while we're on names, another small digression b.lebenhistorischer: circulated among the many proposals for our MiniMag also The name Pi-Pa-Prenzlberg that but due to small variations in other districts (or Pi-Pa-Prenzelberg?) - Mu-Ma-mid-or Ki-Ka-Kreuzberg sounded good too abstract - was quickly dropped.
Text: Falk Bege , a graphic designer at Cymage